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    yasmin167  47, Female, New York, USA - 3 entries
Nov 2010
11:52 PM CDT

my life

it hard to be in a shelter and deal whit people they tell you they are going to help you but what they do is tried to put you in more problems i got a 5 years old daughter and she goes true it more than i do it hard and sad but i thank god that he send me a wounderfull man in my life becuase he been there for me and my child that not even his child but i thank the lord for everything he has send me and i got faith in god that he would send me more i just got to wait thank you lord for my lfe

Tags: my life

    BayouClassic  52, Female, Louisiana, USA - 10 entries
Dec 2007
6:31 PM CST

Bayou Classic World!

Welcome to Bayou Classic's World!

I have so much to tell! There are so many haters out there! Instead of saying something, I just write down my feelings to get them off of my chest!

So, sit back, relax and enjoy! You never know what will happen in the day in the life of Bayou Classic!

    EroticBehavior4u  57, Female, Louisiana, USA - 5 entries
Jul 2007
8:25 AM EDT

My Life, My Lover, My Friend

At some point and time in life we all look for happiness. A special someone that holds the missing piece of your life...your otherhalf, your soulmate, your lover as well as your friend. Life is a strange thing, and love is even stranger. One day love knocked on the door of my heart...and i answered, Who knew that the person standing on the outside of my heart looking in...Held the missing piece i have longed for all of my life. She became my reason for being, a stable foundation, She invaded my soul and taught me the true meaning of love. She's the true essence of a woman in every aspect of the word, She's strong yet gentle, loving and kind. She carries my soul in her spirit which rest upon my heart...And with nurturing hands she cares for it.

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